
Be awesome, be yourself.

Reach Awesomeness - WELCOME

Thank you for visiting this blog, now, let me tell you something: You are the greatest person alive. You just don't know it yet. My job is to make you find out how amazing you are, and I will not give up until you become the best version of yourself. My name is Hatem Abbassi, I'm a 21 year-old Franco-Tunisian. I study marketing and business in general at Kedge Business School (Marseille, France) and at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland).  The three Fs rule my life : - Family - Football - Fitness Now that you know me, let's get to know yourself. In this blog, I am gonna teach you how to live. I'm joking, I just heard it once in a TV show and always wanted to say it. Thank you for giving me this opportunity ! Let's get started...

Reach Awesomeness - WHERE IT ALL BEGINS

Let's start this first article with an easy question :  - Why have planes been created ?  Normal people's answer would probably be "they have been created to take us from a country to another as quickly as possible", or something similar. This is the most stupid thing someone could say. Why ? Because it is not quick at all, man seriously, the queues in airports last for eternities, and there always is a baby crying during the whole flight which makes the flight seem twice as long. More seriously, think about it. The first plane ever has been created for the simple reason that its inventor wanted to fly. This was his goal, he wanted to reach the sky and fly next to the birds and the eagles. And he did it. Set goals. Reach them. End of the story. Every material thing around you was first only an idea, someone believed in it and made it real. This someone used the most powerful weapon on the planet : the BRAIN. And you know what

Reach Awesomeness - FAILURE'S THE FIRST STEP

Welcome to the 2 nd article of this blog. (Before going any further, make sure you have read the first article. If you haven’t yet, just click on this link: .) Okay, we can get started. Let’s talk about something we have all experienced : Failure. Think of every time you failed. Now think of the feeling you had when you failed. You probably have been feeling sad, angry or even humiliated. Those are the normal feelings after a failure and if you tell me failure makes you feel happy you probably should stop doing drugs. Failure actually is the best thing that could happen to you if you want to get successful. There is no GPS to show you the right road for success and nobody can tell you what you exactly have to do before reaching your goals, but by failing, you know what you should not do. I know so many people who gave up right after failing, these people just didn’


Welcome to the third article of this blog. (Make sure you have read the first two articles before starting and feel free to let me know what you think on the comments once you’re done reading. It’s what you think that matters.) Let’s get started.  Happiness.  Happiness is the one thing everyone is subconsciously looking for. It’s what we need the most after our primary needs like water and food. People often think being self-confident is what makes you happy. Wrong. If you want to gain self-confidence, you first have to be happy. A sad person can never be as productive and charismatic as a happy one. If you don’t believe in yourself, you probably are not fully happy. Only you can know what could make you happier. In fact, once you get happy, you will never stop gaining self-confidence. This is how it goes: Happiness leads to self-confidence. Self-confidence leads to success. Success leads to happiness. You have to find that one thing that cou

Reach Awesomeness - IT'S TIME TO JUMP

Welcome to the fourth article of this blog. (Make sure you have read the previous articles before starting and feel free to let me know what you think on the comments once you’re done reading. It’s what you think that matters.) Let’s get started. I was wondering what would be the best subject for this blog article and noticed Halloween was this week. There was my answer. Fear. There is a mountain, in the middle of nowhere. You are on top of it and it is so high you cannot see anything but clouds at the bottom of it. You are by yourself and have enough food and water to live a long and calm life. Next to you, there is a parachute. That is exactly what life is.  You have your comfort zone, you can stay there forever and keep doing the same things all over again until you die. Or you can JUMP . Would you jump? Being self-confident is jumping, every single day. Fears are made to be faced and every fear you face is a door for something new that

Reach Awesomeness - YOU ARE READY

Welcome to the fifth, and last, article of this blog.  I know it’s difficult to accept there will be no other post on this blog but try not to cry. Have you read the previous articles? Well you should, they’re awesome. And I am not saying this because I am the one who wrote them. Let’s get started. We have been through some good adventures together on this blog, haven't we?  We took control of our brains, then realized that failing was not a failure but a step forward to success. After that, we remembered together that happiness was the foundation of self-confidence, and then we have been on top of a mountain and decided to jump from it. I hope you are not too exhausted because all of this was only some pre-game warm-up. Now you have to put your boots on and go play this game.  GO WIN THIS GAME The fact that you read this blog means that you want to succeed, that is important.  Do you remember what I told you about the guy who wanted to fly