Reach Awesomeness - YOU ARE READY

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Welcome to the fifth, and last, article of this blog. 
I know it’s difficult to accept there will be no other post on this blog but try not to cry.

Have you read the previous articles? Well you should, they’re awesome. And I am not saying this because I am the one who wrote them.

Let’s get started.

We have been through some good adventures together on this blog, haven't we?

 We took control of our brains, then realized that failing was not a failure but a step forward to success. After that, we remembered together that happiness was the foundation of self-confidence, and then we have been on top of a mountain and decided to jump from it.

I hope you are not too exhausted because all of this was only some pre-game warm-up.
Now you have to put your boots on and go play this game. 


The fact that you read this blog means that you want to succeed, that is important. 

Do you remember what I told you about the guy who wanted to fly? He created planes. This blog is your first plane. By reading it you went one step forward to your goal and you can be proud of you.
Whatever your goal is, you must fight for it.

 Luck does not win trophies, fighting does.

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King.

Nothing is easy, but when you keep your goal in mind and fight for it every single day, then you deserve success. And trust me, when you really deserve something you always end up getting it.

Spread your wings and fly. And if you can’t fly, well, you know what you have to do now…

Think. Fail. Fight. Succeed.

Be yourself. You already are awesome.


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